AI to help with plotting?

April 22nd, 2023
Author: Michael Bunch

I recently had the pleasure of trying an AI to help me plot out my story. It was pretty amazing to see. I am an Information Technology student and I enjoy writing in my spare time. Seeing AI get to where it is now is such a tremendous feat.

First I entered what I have for my story. Then I told the AI what I wanted. The AI got to work and had a decently close idea of my plot. It was not perfect but it helped me get a rough idea of what I wanted.

For someone like me, who has always struggled with plotting my stories, AI is super helpful. I am going to use whatever I can to help me achieve my goals. The way I see it, AI is just another tool for us to utilize.

I will say that there is a caviat. AI is almost too easy to use, you can tell it to do nearly anything. I can see it being used for purposes that are less that genuine.

Heres to the future!



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